Your Intuitive Healing FAQs answered below.
1. Is intuitive healing compatible with western medical treatments and medication?2. Can a healer make a medical diagnosis?
3. Should a client go to the doctor before consulting a healer?
4. What happens during intuitive healing?
5. What is the difference between Christine’s intuitive healing and channelled healing?
6. Are there any side effects from intuitive healing?
7. Does intuitive healing always get results?
8. What does a client experience during the healing?
9. How can you heal an animal intuitively?
10. How can it be possible to heal by telephone?
11. How does healing really work?
12. Is healing a gift?
13. How can I learn more about healing?
14. Do you need any qualifications to be able to attend Christine’s classes in healing?
15. Do you need to have a religious faith to be a healer?
16. Does it involve working with good and evil?
17. Is it a bit strange at times?
18. How do you work with the unknown?
1. Is intuitive healing compatible with western medical treatments and medication?
Yes, completely. Clients often receive healing at the same time as undergoing treatment or taking medication, with beneficial results. There is no conflict of interest. The one can support the other.Back To Top
2. Can a healer make a medical diagnosis?
No. It is against British law for anyone other than a qualified doctor or vet to make a medical diagnosis. Making a diagnosis is not necessary in any event when giving healing. A healer tunes in to the problem and tries to help, whatever the diagnosis.Back To Top
3. Should a client go to the doctor before consulting a healer?
This is advisable but it is for the client to decide. They know their body and their medical history best.Back To Top
4. What happens during intuitive healing?
The healer tunes in to the sub-conscious of a person or animal needing help and uses her intuition to access the information she needs. Using this information the healer is usually able to strengthen that person and to delete certain problems from their “system” helping them to feel better, clearer and lighter.Back To Top
5. What is the difference between Christine’s intuitive healing and channelled healing?
Most healers use their intuition in one way or another. Many healers focus on healing chakras, (certain key energy points around the body). Christine Nobel does not focus exclusively on chakras. She tunes in to information and works her healing plan from there, strengthening the person and deleting the problems found in their body, mind or spirit. This can be done from any distance and on any species. The client and the healer do not have to know each other well or be in the same place.Back To Top
6. Are there any side effects from intuitive healing?
Rarely. Experience indicates that about 2% of clients experience temporary side effects. These may be warmth, tingling, “pins and needles” or one or two very mild nerve impulses like little shocks. These side effects are usually the result of energy clearing a way through a blocked area in the body, rather like a stream pushing sticks and stones aside as it travels down a dry gully.Back To Top
7. Does intuitive healing always get results?
In most cases a client will feel valuable benefit from a healing Consultation. The extent of this benefit depends on how much needs to be done to remedy the problem. Sometimes one Consultation can bring about really significant results. Sometimes the problem takes longer. This only becomes apparent once the healer begins to work.Back To Top
8. What does a client experience during the healing?
Usually it is a pleasant experience with the client feeling relief and ease of troublesome symptoms. It is a step by step approach. The client can halt or slow the process at any stage. The client is always in control of the Consultation. Usually a client will feel lighter, less burdened and a strong sense of relief at the end of a Consultation. The process is kind and gentle.Back To Top
9. How can you heal an animal intuitively?
Very much like you would heal a person. An animal’s vocabulary and life experience is different from a person's so it helps if the healer can tune in these differences. Animals are particularly accepting of healing.Back To Top
10. How can it be possible to heal by telephone?
It is possible to tune into someone’s energy from anywhere and to heal by telephone from a distance. Different healers use different techniques. Christine Nobel has devised her own techniques for tuning in to people or animals accurately from a distance. (She teaches these techniques in her classes.) Once these techniques are mastered distance healing is fairly straightforward and holds no great mystery.Back To Top
11. How does healing really work?
The mysteries of the Universe are still being explored but it seems that energy, life, time and space are relatively seem-less. They appear to flow in and out of each other without barriers. Once we grasp this we are more able to "flow" with the process ourselves and to uncover and utilize personal abilities and sensitivities that we didn't realize we had. The need to understand “exactly how it works” then seems less urgent.Back To Top
12. Is healing a gift?
No. Whilst some people are born gifted or become naturally gifted healers, this is an advantage but not a necessity to healing. Christine Nobel was not born a gifted healer. She learnt the art of healing from Grand Masters of Chinese Energetic Practises and she has taught it to many students who were not originally gifted but who are now capable healers. Anyone can learn how to give healing to themselves and to others.Back To Top
13. How can I learn more about healing?
Christine offers training in Workshops and can give classes over the telephone. See the Training Section for further information.Back To Top
14. Do you need any qualifications to be able to attend Christine’s classes in healing?
No. Previous qualifications are not necessary. Anyone can apply to attend a Workshop. However, students will be taught to expand and extend their understanding, and their of levels of sensitivity. In order to balance this, it is important that students have a natural, average capacity for remaining grounded in their daily lives. This training may not therefore be suitable for anyone with an illness, disability or predisposition which limits their capacity to remain grounded in their daily lives.Back To Top
15. Do you need to have a religious faith to be a healer?
No. You need respect for people and animals and the world in which we live, an open mind and a willingness to learn. Nothing else in necessary. Many healers do have religious faith, however, and they very often successfully incorporate their faith in their healing practise. It is a matter of personal choice and inclination.Back To Top
16. Does it involve working with good and evil?
Judgmental words such as" good" and "evil" are not particularly helpful in healing. Whilst black and white exist, there are many more shades of grey. It is better to work with concepts such as strong and weak, ease and disease, comfort and discomfort, burdens and lightness. Healing is more effective, freeing, forgiving, compassionate and understanding in these terms.Back To Top
17. Is it a bit strange at times?
Good healers work easily with the natural phenomena of the Universe and remain neutral, calm and grounded at all times. It is not necessary to explain everything to a client. Christine will only give a client information which she considers may be helpful to their recovery. She does not give a client information which may be confusing or incomprehensible to them and which would serve no useful purpose. Students of healing absorb information about energy and the Universe gently and at their own pace. Each person learns according to their own ability to absorb and to understand. So nothing seems particularly strange. Rather it should feel fascinating and educational.Back To Top
18. How do you work with the unknown?
The unknown is only the next bit of information waiting to be known. Once we knew the world to be flat - and then we knew it to be round ! The next discovery is always just within the reach of those curious enough to seek it.Back To Top